BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hello, Second Trimester!

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present two weeks ago. I had the routine 12 week appointment at my ob/gyn and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! A beautiful sound and a strong 164 beats per minute. It was truly one of the most amazing and unforgettable experiences I'll ever have in my entire life, I'm sure. Friends of mine told me how emotional it would be, but I didn't anticipate the wave of absolute relief I'd have, while at the same time utter elation. I couldn't hold back the tears. Even though you've known you've been pregnant for months at this point, nothing can prepare you for how you'll feel after hearing the actual sound of the heartbeat. It all starts coming together...all the months of trying and not knowing if this month was going to be your was all worth it in the end...this little miracle growing each day and depending on you for nutrients and a cozy place to call home for 9 months.

I have to admit I was a little aprehensive about the appt. at first, even though I was also really excited at the same time. You can't help but think about stories you hear about women who are going along fine in the pregnancy, but bam! 12 weeks hits and suddenly your life changes without warning...and in a bad way...the dreaded miscarriage. No one wants to know what that's like. I know a few people recently who have had miscarriages. Everyday I feel so blessed to have this baby growing inside's already such a big part of my and my husband's innocent, precious, and special.

Next big milestone...week 20 (first week in June) we'll be able to find out the gender of the baby. Either way we'll be ecstatic..but we both have an inuition that it's going to be a all things pretty and nice...sugar and spice...that's what little girls are made of. We shall see though. :)

Other small notes: I am officially into my second trimester. Morning nausea has surpassed and I'm feeling great. Spring break was spent in Florida - laying out on the beach was a new experience. Not just because I won't look flattering in a bathing suit for much longer and I'm beginning to fight with the buttons on my pants, it was funny seeing my pelvis area lop sided. I put my hand under my belly button a few inches, and what do you know? What felt like a huge rock must be the baby! That was really neat. Now every morning I am cognizant about how much my uterus is growing and where the baby has moved to.

What I'm looking forward to most: Feeling the baby move in a couple weeks! I'll be so eager to share with all of you that amazing experience.

How New Moms Can Save Tons of Money Using Amazon!

I have to give major kudos to a fellow blogger, who is also going to be a first time mom. She has shared her secret to saving loads of money on diapers, wipes, and more for your baby! Click here to read her full post. Thanks for sharing Melissa! :)