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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baby Wipe Warmers, seriously people?

Has anyone else heard of such a thing? My best friend got 3 of these at her baby shower and I didn't even know about them. I think it's a little ridiculous to now take the time to heat up baby wipes so the diaper changing experience is more pleasant. I mean, come on. I hope I'm not insulting anyone, but really? Wipe warmers? What will they think of next! I just had to laugh at my friend. Of course you never know. Maybe some of you are thinking the joke is on me and I'll end up caving down the road and do anything to keep my baby from crying. We shall see, but I really think it's silly for now. I'm excited to find out what other little short cuts we've taken in baby stuff.

I am one to get excited about new things. For example, I think the travel system is great, the snap tray on high chairs you can now throw in the dishwasher. I'm all about making life easier and more convenient. But anyway else with me on this? haha. Too funny!


  1. I think they are pointless! My daughter is 7 months old and I never got one so hang in there and don't cave ;)

  2. I thought wipe warmers seemed like a good idea, until a mom told me "But what do you do when you are out running errands and only have cold wipes...and the baby starts screaming bloody murder cause their cold?" Yeah, not happening.
